our philosophy

We´re enthusiastic about our customers wishes - everything is possible.

Every now and then something could break - but if that helps with the result - we

don´t mind at all.



Foundation of all my artworks is to gain the best starting photograph possible (resolution -contrast- touch-up-tonal range etc.)

Very often I photograph up to 40 single photos and eventually create the optimal photograph on the computer.

For example, regarding my frozenArt-series, I completely freeze the object and then burn it up step by step. Because the object is moving, achieving an optimal starting photograph is extremely hard work.

With the initial photo as a foundation, I am working on the perfect result. Often the editing files have up to 10 GB, because I create the artwork to approximately 300 cm printing resolution. The outcome is fascinating precise reproduction of details and image sharpness.

Photography extreme meets editing extreme.



Video making of hummer